all postcodes in L1 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L1 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 8BJ 25 22 53.403799 -2.987648
L1 8DQ 2 2 53.398612 -2.986731
L1 8DZ 13 0 53.399241 -2.985633
L1 8EE 1 1 53.397883 -2.985797
L1 8EF 12 0 53.398736 -2.983726
L1 8HG 21 2 53.398699 -2.982793
L1 8JF 27 23 53.404125 -2.986407
L1 8JU 1 1 53.398111 -2.984253
L1 8JX 1 1 53.401583 -2.988334
L1 8LU 11 0 53.399029 -2.984094
L1 8LY 2 2 53.400067 -2.986824
L1 8DL 1 53.399396 -2.985365
L1 8DP 0 53.399588 -2.985054
L1 8DS 0 53.399177 -2.984774
L1 8DT 0 53.399346 -2.984913
L1 8DN 0 53.398336 -2.986484
L1 8LJ 1 53.401836 -2.987061
L1 8BN 2 2 53.404878 -2.987703
L1 8BU 27 27 53.403947 -2.98723
L1 8BQ 4 4 53.40345 -2.986572